It is no longer sufficient for companies to follow sustainable practices only if they make business sense. Our responsibility is to make business sense out of sustainable practices.

At Tasty Bite®, we strive to be socially responsible by adopting ecologically sound processes that protect the environment while conserving energy and natural resources. Our commitment lies in crafting sustainable practices, aiming to create a better environment.

80% of the energy used to make a pouch of Tasty Bite® comes from renewable sources


We practice extensive usage of alternative and renewable sources of energy, reducing our carbon footprint to the greatest extent possible.




Solar Panels mounted at our manufacturing facility helps in the generation of 500 MWHr in a year.


100% of the fuel we use in our boilers are sugarcane briquettes, which accounts for over 70% of our total energy consumption.


Wind power is an essential source of energy and accounts for nearly 15% of our total power consumption.


Water conservation is a significant initiative for Tasty Bite®. Our effluent treatment plant (ETP) ensures a zero water waste environment on campus, recycling over 72 million liters of water per year.

This recycled water is used for irrigation at the Tasty Bite® organic agricultural farm. Our rainwater harvesting system has been successful in increasing the groundwater table year-on-year, keeping the land enriched. We have initiated several water conservation projects along with a condensate water recovery system.


Biogas plant

The organic waste we generate increases with the scale of our business. Our biogas plant converts this organic food waste into electricity, helping to power our utilities and facilities. The remaining water waste from this plant acts as a rich source of organic manure and is directed towards our adjoining organic agricultural farms.

The installed biogas plant is designed to digest and convert a total bio-waste of 4 ton/day to biogas and organic manure. The plant generates around 100 MWh of electricity from 660 tons of waste.


The farm

The Tasty Bite® organic farm houses the Sustainability Center and the Training & Development lab for farmer extension programs. Techniques such as crop rotation, using natural fertilizers, and pest control methods and vermicomposting have been implemented in our in-house farm, thereby improving yield in the most natural way.

In our farm, we interact with a large community of farmers and exchange information and learnings on modern organic farming techniques and sustainable practices.


The Community

The produce that ends up in our Tasty Bite® products is grown on local farms, where we also teach organic and sustainable farming techniques to our community of farmers. In our small way, we do all we can to support the community around us with scholarship funds for our employees’ children and, when needed, local and international disaster relief.



Tasty Bite® has built schools, set up educational kits, established scholarship funds for the children of our community, donated funds to create a science lab at a local school, and offered continued support to adult literacy programs.


In supporting disaster relief around the world, Tasty Bite® has shipped food to victims and relief workers of many natural disasters including Covid-19, Kerala floods, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, the Asian Tsunami, the earthquake in Haiti, the typhoon in the Philippines, and many others.

Tasty Bite Foundation

Tasty Bite Foundation was set up with the objective of being a catalyst for accelerating sustainable and inclusive rural development. Carrying forward Tasty Bite Eatables' corporate mission of building a socially responsible company, the foundation aims to enable all-round development of farm, farmers, and community through our work. We believe, farmer prosperity lies at the core of nation building and to promote their well-being, we remain steadfast in our commitment to empower and enable them to lead better lives.

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Our commitment to

UN Sustainable Goals


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